Rosa Ribas

Miss Fifty


Instituto Cervantes Praga


Marta Ferrer is over 50 and has just completed a series of radiotherapy sessions. Surprisingly, during her last session, something unexpected occurred: Marta gained supernatural powers, became a superheroine, and like every superheroine, needed a name, an outfit, and an arch-enemy. And so Miss Fifty is born, circling above Barcelona in her green-white flannel pyjamas, trying to prevent injustice. Actually, the words of a friend undergoing chemotherapy inspired the author to come up with the idea for the book. As Ribas herself adds: “Writing this novel, finding humour where it seems impossible, all that helped me get over my friend’s illness and then her death.”

Published by Motto, 2018


@Klaus Reichenberger

Rosa Ribas (* 1963) is a Spanish writer and columnist. She lived in Germany for thirty years, teaching and researching at the Universities of Heilbronn and Frankfurt am Main. In 2008, Ribas left academia to devote herself entirely to literature. Currently, she works with the Cervantes Institute in Frankfurt on creative writing workshops. She is the author of fifteen novels, including a detective series about the Spanish-German Curator Cornelia Weber-Tejedor.


Petra Královcová